Living single season 3 epsidoe 18
Living single season 3 epsidoe 18

living single season 3 epsidoe 18

Pero si te refieres únicamente a la talla, es mejor que uses el verbo to fit: Este jersey no te sienta bien. Me sienta muy mal que haga esos comentarios, it really upsets me that he makes those remarksĬuando se habla de la moda (ropa o color), la traducción más común es to suit. (una comida, bebida, clima) to agree/disagree with sb: un baño caliente te sentará bien, a hot bath will do you goodĢ (un comentario, una broma) ¿cómo le sentó la noticia?, how did he take the news? II verbo intransitivo 1 sentar bien/mal algo a alguien, (un peinado, vestido) to suit sb/not to suit sb Sentar precedente, to establish a precedent

living single season 3 epsidoe 18

♦ Locuciones: dar algo por sentado, to take sthg for grantedġ (en una silla) to sit: nos sentaron en la mesa del fondo, we sat at the back tableĢ (establecer) sentar las bases, to lay the foundations ◊ sentadose a la mesa to sit at (the) table ģ (procedimiento, idea) set: dejó bien sentadas sus condiciones, he made his conditions very clear Según tú, María es la mejor, according to you, Maria is the bestģ (dependiendo de) depending on: el precio varía según el peso, the price varies according to the weightĤ (por el modo en que) según lo dijo, parecía preocupada, by the way she was speaking, she seemed worriedġ (tal como) just as: cóselo según indica el patrón, sew it just as the pattern showsĢ (a medida que) as: según nos íbamos acercando., as we were coming closer. Según mis cálculos, according to my calculationsĢ (en la opinión de) según los metodistas, according to the Methodists ◊ puede resultar o no, según it may or may not work, it depends Sacar la lengua, to stick one's tongue out Sacar en claro o limpio, to make sense of ♦ Locuciones: sacar a alguien a bailar, to ask sb to dance Sacar de la pobreza, to save from povertyĩ (manifestar, dar a conocer) de repente, sacó su malhumor, he got into a strop all of a suddenġ0 (una novedad) han sacado un nuevo modelo de televisor, they've brought out a new television model againġ1 (poner en circulación) to bring out, releaseġ2 familiar (producir) esa máquina saca más de 2.500 piezas a la hora, this machine can produce more than 2,500 parts an hourġ3 familiar (aparecer alguien o algo en un medio de comunicación) lo sacaron por la tele, it was on televisionġ4 familiar (superar a alguien en algo) ha crecido mucho, ya le saca la cabeza a su padre, he's grown a lot o he's already taller than his fatherġ5 (un jugador una carta o una ficha) to draw Sacar dinero del banco, to withdraw money from the bankģ (extraer una cosa de otra) to extract, get: de la uva se saca vino, you get wine from grapesĥ (descubrir, resolver) no consigo sacar esta ecuación, I can't resolve this equationĨ (de una mala situación) sacar a alguien de algo, to get sb out of sthg

living single season 3 epsidoe 18

Tag: Max usurps more of Regine's unwanted clothes.Sacar la cabeza por la ventana, to stick one's head out of the window Max begins wearing it constantly to spite her. Meanwhile, Regine is livid when Max snags a coat she had left outside the apartment to donate to charity. He finds Overton and Synclaire's clothes strewn throughout the living room. Concerned for her cousin's well being, Khadijah sends Kyle up to the apartment to check on her. Overton goes ballistic, storms out of the restaurant, and refuses to talk to her. She blurts out her indiscretion during a special evening Overton had planned for their first anniversary as a couple. Synclaire pushes him away, but is still gripped by guilt. Overton goes ballistic, storms out of the restaurant, and refuses to talk to A handsome young man from Synclaire's psychology class kisses her during a study session.

living single season 3 epsidoe 18

Summary: A handsome young man from Synclaire's psychology class kisses her during a study session.

Living single season 3 epsidoe 18